Wednesday, January 30, 2013

HB 331

Nancy Wilson
Revise transportation commission laws


  1. This bill will add four new voting positions to the Transportation Commission. One for each MPO and one to represent non-motorized and transit interests on the Commission. Recommend that the BCC support this bill by local Rep. Wilson.

  2. Representative Wilson,

    Missoula County supports House Bill 331 - Revise transportation commission laws, before House Transportation tomorrow, and thanks you for carrying the bill. As you know, HB 331 adds four new voting positions to the Transportation Commission - one for each metropolitan planning organization and one to represent non-motorized and transit interests. We appreciate your efforts in this regard, Representative Wilson.

    Dale Bickell on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  3. Representative Squires,

    Missoula County supports House Bill 331 - Revise transportation commission laws, before House Transportation tomorrow, and thanks Representative Wilson for carrying the bill. HB 331 adds four new voting positions to the Transportation Commission - one for each metropolitan planning organization and one to represent non-motorized and transit interests. We appreciate Representative Wilson's efforts in this regard.

    Dale Bickell on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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