Thursday, December 13, 2012

SB 56

Larry Jent
Eliminate calculation errors of taxes, fees, and assessments to local government


  1. This is addressing a non-exsistant problem. The current system is working great. The DOR is attempting to off load some of their work to local governments.

  2. The Montana Treasurer's Association Legislative Committee and DOR had a meeting to compromise on this bill. I believe amendments will be introduced. The counties will be responsible for adding flat fees to the tax bills. DOR will still enter fees and assessments that are mill related. Vickie

  3. Dear Missoula Senators,

    Missoula County opposes SB 56 - Eliminate calculation errors of taxes, fees, and assessments to local governments. This bill transfers duties to counties for property tax bill calculations that have been historically a Department of Revenue responsibility. This bill mandates these duties without compensation or a provision for training. Please oppose SB 56.


    Dale Bickell on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  4. There are essentially 12 fee districts that we would take over along with all the RSIDs and the City SIDs. We would have to produce a file of last years assessments and give it to the Districts, they would then go through the document and make any changes that have happened during the year. We would receive the data back at some point and we would then have to make all the additions, deletions and changes manually prior to the upload into CSA. Verification that the file type and data are in the proper format would have to be completed by us now prior to the upload. Then comes the tricky part, CSA spits out an edit list of items that don't match and we would now have to go through the list and look for the famous needle in the haystack to find out what went wrong. Then get back to the taxing entity and try to get the issue resolved prior to the final due date before the printing of the bills. Corrections are made only with written notification from the District.
    -Andrew Czorny

  5. Sent the following to Missoula Reps:

    Missoula County continues to oppose Senate Bill 56 - Eliminate calculation errors of taxes, fees, and assessments to local governments, before the House on second reading this afternoon. This bill transfers duties to counties for property tax bill calculations that have been historically a Department of Revenue responsibility. This bill mandates these duties without compensation or a provision for training. The proposed amendments do not allay Missoula County's misgivings about the bill. Please oppose SB 56.
    Dale Bickell on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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