Wednesday, February 27, 2013

SB 307

Greg Jergeson
Revise utility rate laws related state and local taxes

1 comment:

  1. Sent the following to Missoula Senators:

    Senator Barrett,
    Missoula County opposes SB 307 - Revise utility rate laws related to state and local taxes, before the Senate on second reading today. Current law has provided needed relief to local governments and schools related to property tax protests from its biggest taxpayers. In Missoula County, Northwestern Energy is the largest property tax payer representing approximately 7.2% of the tax base countywide. For many of the smaller districts, the Northwestern Energy tax base is a much bigger percentage. When protests occur, local governments are at greater risk of not receiving property taxes that were all ready budgeted. Current law helps all local governments maintain a predictable property tax base. Please oppose SB 307.

    Dale Bickell on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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